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Saturday, 24 March 2012

Tiles Tiles and more Tiles

Today we went looking for tiles...again. This is the third time we have changed our mind. We wanted a tile called Peridot from RAK Gem Collection.

The builder allows for glue down tiles only, but these are large tiles, so its more than likely that we will need to pay extra for bedding. The tiles are pricey too but we just keep going back to them, so I figured its one expense we can't avoid. There is nothing worse than looking at tiles you dont like.

Ive tried to find a picture..but its hard. Here is one I found but they are alot nicer than this. Our builder used these in their display home and we absolutely adore them.
Fairmont have kindly put a temp fence up for us earlier than expected as our demo people took theirs away early.

We are eagerly waiting to see the Fairmont Homes NSW sign on the fence..hopefully Monday.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

A downer in all the excitement :(

We woke up to a phone call from our neighbour directly behind us to say that something was smoking in our backyard near our garage. Hubby hurried over to the property to see a large patch of acid had been thrown on our jacaranda. We have our suspicions of who it was but I guess this isnt the place to talk about it or make accusations.
Just really can't believe there are people out there that want to hurt other people or a beautifull innocent tree. It wasnt even that big... I had just planted it as a seedling a couple of years ago so I really can't see how it bothered this particular person. Oh well. Ive given up trying to figure out some people. I feel sorry for them.

On a good note the roof has come off and the windows. We managed to sell the blackwood kitchen and a few other bits and pieces. The demolisher says the house will be demolished and the block ready by next Friday.

Im hoping to post some photos hubby took of our house which is now just a shell. Have to find some time between nappies and bottles.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Demolition starting early

Demolition is starting earlier than expected. Monday the 12th March it is all happening. We are having a pre demolition sale tomorrow so hopefully we get some money from our stuff. We only completely renovated the whole house 5 years ago, so there is some good quality stuff in there. We just couldnt deal with the moisture issue any longer and thats why the house had to go.. Anyhow, we are sure we made the right decision and cant wait to see it all happen.